I'm back. Kembali nge-blog setelah panik galau. Oalah...hobi kok galau.
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Well, minggu lalu tiba-tiba saya iseng meriksa rongga mulut saya. Sambil mengingat-ingat sudah setahun ini saya absen mengunjungi dokter gigi. Hiks...hiks...hiks...Harusnya 6 bulan sekali kita meng-chek-up-kan gigi kan ya pemirsah? Lha kok ya pas meriksa saya menemukan benjolan sebiji beras di gusi dekat geraham belakang yang pernah mendapat perawatan akar. "Oh...sariawan". Pikir saya. Tapi sariawan segede itu (membenjol) kok ga sakit ya? Jeng...jeng....mulai keringat dingin. Manggil adik buat ngelihat, komennya...."Itu nanah" Hiyaaaa....tambah panik. Sms dokter nanya besok praktek nggak, lha kok off sampai minggu depan. Karena hati sudah gundah difoto lah benjolan dan kirim via line. Plus saya juga ngirim foto itu ke teman saya drg. Sandy Aditya (yang lagi study abroad) Maapken sudah ngerepoti. Balasannya pun barengan itu "Fistula". Wuopo iku? Si dokterku bilang : "Masak segitu gede ga kerasa bla bla bla..." Diomelin di Line. Tambah deg-deg-an. Browsing google tambah dag-dig-dug. Is dangerous or not?! Untung pencerahan datang dari Sandy *negak air segentong*.
Dental Fistula :
A dental abscess (also termed a dentoalveolar abscess, tooth abscess or root abscess), is a localized collection of pus associated with a tooth. The most common type of dental abscess is a periapical abscess, and the second most common is a periodontal abscess. In a periapical abscess, usually the origin is a bacterial infection that has accumulated in the soft, often dead, pulp of the tooth. This can be caused by tooth decay, broken teeth or extensive periodontal disease (or combinations of these factors). A failed root canal treatment may also create a similar abscess.
Nah kan....
Successful treatment of a dental abscess centers on the reduction and elimination of the offending organisms. This can include treatment with antibiotics and drainage. If the tooth can be restored, root canal therapy can be performed. Non-restorable teeth must be extracted, followed by curettage of all apical soft tissue.
Unless they are symptomatic, teeth treated with root canal therapy should be evaluated at 1- and 2-year intervals after the root canal therapy to rule out possible lesional enlargement and to ensure appropriate healing.
Unless they are symptomatic, teeth treated with root canal therapy should be evaluated at 1- and 2-year intervals after the root canal therapy to rule out possible lesional enlargement and to ensure appropriate healing.
Itulah kesalahanku. Root canal terapi harus dievaluasi setelah 1, 2 tahun. Dan rupanya fistula saya muncul karena perawatan yang lalu gagal dan tidak segera disadari (karena malas ke dokter). (Yang melakukan perawatan gigi dokter sebelumnya bukan dokter yang ngomelin di line).
If left untreated, a severe tooth abscess may become large enough to perforate bone and extend into the soft tissue eventually becoming osteomyelitis and cellulitis respectively. From there it follows the path of least resistance and may spread either internally or externally. The path of the infection is influenced by such things as the location of the infected tooth and the thickness of the bone, muscle and fascia attachments.
External drainage may begin as a boil which bursts allowing pus drainage from the abscess, intraorally (usually through the gum) or extraorally. Chronic drainage will allow an epithelial lining to form in this communication to form a pus draining canal (fistula). Sometimes this type of drainage will immediately relieve some of the painful symptoms associated with the pressure.
Internal drainage is of more concern as growing infection makes space within the tissues surrounding the infection. Severe complications requiring immediate hospitalization include Ludwig's angina, which is a combination of growing infection and cellulitis which closes the airway space causing suffocation in extreme cases. Also infection can spread down the tissue spaces to the mediastinum which has significant consequences on the vital organs such as the heart. Another complication, usually from upper teeth, is a risk of septicaemia (infection of the blood) from connecting into blood vessels, brain abscess (extremely rare), or meningitis (also rare).
Depending on the severity of the infection, the sufferer may feel only mildly ill, or may in extreme cases require hospital care.
External drainage may begin as a boil which bursts allowing pus drainage from the abscess, intraorally (usually through the gum) or extraorally. Chronic drainage will allow an epithelial lining to form in this communication to form a pus draining canal (fistula). Sometimes this type of drainage will immediately relieve some of the painful symptoms associated with the pressure.
Internal drainage is of more concern as growing infection makes space within the tissues surrounding the infection. Severe complications requiring immediate hospitalization include Ludwig's angina, which is a combination of growing infection and cellulitis which closes the airway space causing suffocation in extreme cases. Also infection can spread down the tissue spaces to the mediastinum which has significant consequences on the vital organs such as the heart. Another complication, usually from upper teeth, is a risk of septicaemia (infection of the blood) from connecting into blood vessels, brain abscess (extremely rare), or meningitis (also rare).
Depending on the severity of the infection, the sufferer may feel only mildly ill, or may in extreme cases require hospital care.
Setelah rontgen gigi. Rempong rontgen-nya. Filmnya dimasukkin ke rongga mulut sik. Plus perawatannya sakit. Ya...dikit-dikit ngejerit. Belum kelar tuntas sih. Tapi alhamdulillah lah nothing to worry *sambil elus-elus dompet* *sodorin bill ke suami*
Source : http://www.dentalfearcentral.org/
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