Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Diantara Tokyo Love Story dan Lost in translation

Saya sangat beruntung punya teman-teman yang care. Menjelang keberangkatan ke Jepun minggu depan -Meski visa belum di tangan- banyak yang kasih masukan. Ada masukan yang memang bagus, tapi ada juga yang sesat. Contohnya, teman saya @lala_neechan, dia bilang "Coat and boot would be chic when you run from one subway to other. Louise Lane looks like". Hmm, keren memang dandanan Louise Lane, tapi sayang, minggu ini udah summer bukan winter. Jadinya bakalan saltum kalo saya pake coat and boot.

Belum lagi @aliarahma yang bilang,"pokoknya lo di Shibuya kudu foto sama patung Hachiko". Belum lagi @Rayyaku yang sempetin browsing cool spot di disneyland Japan. Hehehe...Kalo si @Novilia_goset cuman wanti-wanti masalah payung transparan yang hits banget di Tokyo :p

Anyway, yang lucu lagi itu percakapan semalam. Antara saya, teman seperjalanan saya @tuhunugraha, @rsuhe, dan mbak @petz09.

@Tuhunugraha: Tak menyangka nemuin dvd serial Tokyo Love Story, pas bgt buat menghayati Tokyo sblm nemenin pemenang #SoyjoyHealthylicious minggu dpn yeay

@Primadika: @tuhunugraha hah? Ada gitu serialnya? Waktu tokyo love story hits aku msh SD. Jd nontonnya nyolong2

@Tuhunugraha: @Primadika ada tadi lagi ke blok m square gak sengaja dapet dvd-nya beli deh buat mengenang. Krn dulu gak bisa ntn itu jam blajar!!! LOL

Tiba-tiba mbak Petty s.Fatimah nimbrung

@petz09: @tuhunugraha Tokyo is much likely lost in translation :DDD watch this movie too

@Primadika: Betul betul RT @petz09: @tuhunugraha Tokyo is much likely lost in translation :DDD watch this movie too

Masuk konsul aja alphabet susah ditemukan, apalagi di Jepun sana.

@Petz09: @Primadika Bener kan?kota indah memabukkan dan absurd #tokyo

Saya mengamini apa yang dikatakan mbak Patty. Bo' nggak nyali aku berangkat dari Surabaya sendirian menuju Narita. Hilang di sebuah kota yang merupakan metropolitan terbesar di dunia.

@Tuhunugraha: @Primadika @petz09 duhhh makin pnasaran ama Tokyo. Kayaknya eksotis ngelihat mrk jalan cepat n super sibuk LOL >> Ketahuan banget jaman ABGnya terobsesi sama Tokyo LOve Story, si Rika Akana itu :p

@Primadika: Smoga sy dan @tuhunugraha bsk kbagian indahnya saja :p RT @petz09: @Primadika Bener kan?kota indah memabukkan dan absurd #tokyo

@rsuhe: Jangan pake high heels ya :) RT @tuhunugraha: @Primadika @petz09 makin pnasaran ama Tokyo. eksotis ngelihat mrk jalan cepat n super sibuk LOL

@Petz09: @tuhunugraha Nanti kalo sempet aku ksh link tulisanku ttg tokyo biar makin penasaran :) kpn brangkat? @primadika

Itu sebagian 'obrolan' kami semalam. JadI, Saya dan mas Tuhu sedang menantikan link dari mbak Petty. Nasehat dari editor in chiefnya Femina gitu lho. Dan tak sabar membuktikan, apakah akan menjadi Tokyo love story ataukah Lost in translation. Hihihi....

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zatious mengatakan...

24 Tips Live the Life

1. Do not be attracted to someone because of his face, because the beauty of sandstone can be misleading. Do not be too attracted to his wealth, because wealth can be destroyed. Attracted to someone who can make you smile, because only a smile that can make a dark day became brighter. Hope you find someone like that.

2. There are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them up from your dreams and hug them. Hope you dream of people like that.

3. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want, because you have only one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.

4. Hope you have enough happiness to make you good, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to make you human, enough hope to make you happy and enough money to buy gifts.

5. When one door of happiness close, another door opened. But often we stare too long at the closed door so it does not see another door that opened to us.

6. Best friend is he who can sit on the porch swing with you, without saying a word, and then you leave with a feeling of having a long conversation with him.

7. It's true that we do not know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we do not know what we've been missing until it arrives.

8. Look at everything through the eyes of others. If it hurts you, so maybe it's galling itupula people.

9. The words spoken at random to fuel the dispute. The cruel words can ruin a life. The words spoken are in place to ease the tension. The words of love can heal and bless.

10. The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist inginkan.Jika picture that we do not, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

11. People who are happiest have not always had the best things, they just make the best of every thing in her life.

12. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right people, we must understand how to be grateful for that gift.

13. It takes only a minute to assess a person, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

14. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who seek and those who tried. Because only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

15. Love is when you lose a sense, passion, romance da still care about him.

16. The sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means you only to find eventually that it was never there and you have to let go.

17. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a teardrop.

18. Love comes to those who still hope even been disappointed, to those who still believe even been betrayed, to those who still love even been hurt.

19. It hurts to love someone who does not love you, but more painful is to love someone and never had the courage to express your love to him.

20. Bright future is always dependent on a forgotten past, you can not continue with the good life if you do not forget the failures and heartaches in the past.

21. Never say goodbye if you still want to try, never give up if you still feel up do not ever say you do not love him anymore if you still can not forget it.

22. Giving all your love to someone is no guarantee he will love you back! Do not expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in his heart, but if not, be content it grew in yours.

23. There are things you really want to hear but you would never hear from the people you expect to say it. But do not be deaf to hear from people who say it wholeheartedly.

24. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling - Live your life so that when you die, you're smiling and everyone around you crying.