Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Dance with my father

Pak Naryo: So, Don't push yourself!
Me: I am not
Pak Naryo: But why you seems angry? Be flexible
Me: Come on, dad! Stop saying a crap
Pak Naryo: See? You angry but you pretend all fine
Me: What suppose I do then?
Pak Naryo: Just don't be upset!
Me: I AM (Suara udah naik satu oktaf)
Pak Naryo: *Diam*
Me: Dad, I am not yelling on you. I AM FINE. You know, what did i do is just like my leg hit something and i am yelling "OUCH". Just that. No broken inside.
Pak Naryo: *masih diam*
Me: I am so glad i have a parents who still worrying me even though I am almost 30th. But I am fine. No broken inside. Ok?
Pak Naryo: I'm sorry I protect you too much. I always look at you as if you are still little. Need my arms.
Me: I am. Yes I am grow up but I still need you, dad. Always.
Pak Naryo: *Smile* Yeah... I know. What happened with you, even you have kids, you still my little girl. No protest about that. I don't want you get hurt.
Me: Yes, But should understand I AM FINE.

This crap just happened. I know he and his wife love me so much. Yes, I am lucky have them both. ^^

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