Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Patronus Fuel

Kejadian pengeboman di Surabaya ini memang kayak dementors. Kota jadi lengang macam lebaran. Persis seperti adengan di Half-Blood Prince, dementors caused an entire city to constantly feel gloomy and grey. 

Kalo di Harry Potter cara menyingkirkan dementors pakai mantra patronus tapi dementors tidak benar-benar hancur sepenuhnya, sama seperti perasaan saya sekarang ini, cemas, ketakutan, kepikiran. Ya, #kamitidaktakut mungkin mudah dilakukan kalo kejadiannya ngga selemparan kolor. Lebih baik #SurabayaWani tapi rodo nderedeg :p Bukannya lebih baik acceptance daripada denial ya?

We can use it when we feel sad, when we feel surrounded by darkness, we don't think we'll ever feel happy again. We just have to think of a happy memory. That's not as easy as it sounds Which is why we need Patronus fuel. Di Prisioner of Azkaban, Harry juga tidak langsung berhasil. Karena kehidupannya di Dursley juga ngga happy :-) Begitupun di Order Of The Phoenix, Keadaan tidak lebih baik karena dia jadi saksi Cedric terbunuh dan Voldemort kembali, tapi dia lebih mudah fight back karena pengalaman masa lalu.

He could smell the dementor's putrid deaath - cold breath, filing his own lungs, drowning him - think....something happy....but there was no happiness in him....the dementor's icy fingers were closinng on his throat - the high - pitched laughter was growing louder and louder, and a voice spoke inside his head - "Bow tp death, might even be painless...I have never died..." He was never going to see Ron and Hermione again - And their faces burst clearly into his mind as he fought for breath - "EXPECTO PETRONUM!" - Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 1
Yup, berita-berita itu memang membuat kita nano-nano. Marah, sedih, muak. So, stop all the news. Coba tenangkan diri dulu. Kalo kata Dumbledore, "Take these momments, these memories, the protection of your loved one with you into the battlefield of dementor. Look the dark, cold, grey world in the eye and refuse to let it take you down. Use your petronus fuel to fight back".

Good luck Guys! Doa dan usaha kita sama-sama buat menjaga Surabaya dan Indonesia. 

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